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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Differentiable Manifolds

Differentiable Manifolds
Author(s): S. T. Hu
Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Date : 1969

From Preface:
The object of this book is to provide a text for a one-semester course in
the subject, essentially following the first fourteen paragraphs of the
CUPM recommendations for algebraic topology. The present text can be
used either before or after the author's Homology Theory, published by
Holden-Day, Inc., in 1966, to provide a one-year course in algebraic topology.
If the academic year is divided into three quarters, the author's Cohomology
Theory, published by Markham Publishing Company in 1968, can be used
to supplement these two books in the third quarter.
For pedagogical reasons, the text is restricted to finite-dimensional
manifolds, although the fundamental materials can be established at no
extra cost for manifolds modeled on Banach or Hilbert spaces rather than
finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Extensions to infinite-dimensional
manifolds are left to the reader as exercises. Intelligibility is always preferred
to brevity, and unnecessary generalizations are avoided as much as possible.

Table of Contents
Chapter I Differentiable Manifolds
1. Topological Manifolds
2. Differentiable Structures
3. Differentiable Functions
4. Tangent and Cotangent Spaces
5. Differential of Smooth Map
6. Vector Bundles

Chapter II Differential Forms
1. Grassmann Algebras
2. Differential Forms
3. Exterior Differentiation
4. De Rham Cohomology Groups
5. Induced Transformations
6. Poincare's Lemma

Chapter III Riemannian Manifolds
1. Inner Products
2. Riemannian Structures
3. Riemannian Metric
4. Riemannian Connection
5. Geodesics
6. Convex Neighborhoods

Chapter IV De Rham's Theorem
1. Singular Homology Groups
2. Real Singular Cohomology Groups
3. De Rham's Theorem



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