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Monday, December 28, 2009

Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, Fourth Edition

The only introductory book to cover both acoustics and psychoacoustics in the one volume.


This book isn't aimed at those looking for straightforward guidance on designing sound systems to suit a particular application, but it does ably equip the reader with an armory of knowledge to be able to do so."
Lighting and Sound

'a comprehensive book designed to provide a broad-ranging introduction to the subject of acoustics.' Audio, Video and Broadcasting magazine

'a good solid reference' Guy Scarlett, Lecturer, UK

"The sound and the way we hear it; its characteristics and the complex processes that are carried out between the hearing and the brain to interpret it; its processing; the musical notes; the tuning systems; the audition environments or spaces, and more. "Acoustics and Psychoacoustics" talks about all these topics in a precise, clear way with a wide variety of examples so that the reader can solve any doubt." - Tecnoprofile Magazine


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